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Tips and Tricks for WRitten Task One


Tips for your rationale:


Target audience-be specific as possible


Purpose-what are you trying to say and why? What is desired effect on your audience? For example, ‘I want to readers to…..’


Context-When, where and to whom? Why this matters.


*Choose a topic from Part One (the bottom) and make it work. The topic can also flow into Part Two. For example, you have chosen 'gender' and advertising. Therefore your part is Part 2. Write this topic in  your rationale!


Tips for your Written Task 1:


Decide who you are going to write as. You ARE (should) NOT to write as yourselves…

Things to think about:








ALL photos and quotes MUST be referenced in a bibliography!


Use MLA when referencing, MLA referencing can be done in word or using an online website. To do this via microsoft word use this document.






For Written task 1 examples please go to my IB  digital examples webpage.

(password protected, please contact me if you would like the password).

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