Different text types in relation to your IO and T.H.U.G.
Here you can find various text types. These will help you along the way to preparing for your own IO.
For each text type I want you to find an example of tone using the PEE method.
Point. Example. Explain.
Firsty, Little Sambo. A children's story which was banned in America for being racist. The story can be found here. While the background reading can be found here and here.

Secondly, an advertisement that was created to welcome Barack Obama into the white house. But instead created a backlash throughout the world. A simple icecream ad right? Nope not exactly.

Thirdly, a speech by Fredrick Douglas "The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro" talks about the hardships of being black in America.This speech can be found here.

Fourthly, a rap by Kendrick Lamar about America called XXX. This can be found here.

And lastly, have a look here at the following 3 advertisements. Did these brands originally intend to portray these intended messages, the answer is no. So how did their original message become so skewed? Click below to explore this topic further.