Famous Songs Hilariously Explained With Simple Comics (NSFW)
There is no doubt that every song has its hidden meaning and every person might understand that meaning differently. But have you ever tried to interpret the message of the song the other way than it is meant? Well, one guy from Iceland did that and created incredibly comical pictures.
Artist and cartoonist (or as he calls himself, “artoonist”) Hugleikur Dagsson (previously here) is drawing ironic parodies of popular songs, which range from innocent hits from the 50s to melancholic rock ballads of all time. These simple and unsophisticated illustrations might give a naive impression, but they are surprisingly accurate, snappy, sometimes rude and even vulgar. Dagsson’s humor is not for everyone. His ideas go beyond the limits and might be considered bad taste. Some pictures are based on some taboos of Western society. Also, not everyone might find these picture funny, but it’s hard not to give a little smile at least once when strolling through these comic illustrations.
The artist put all of these pictures and more in a book series called “Popular Hits”, published in English.
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