It's not just cold outside, it's cold everywhere.
I woke up this morning to hear that one of my favourite Christmas songs has been pulled from the radio. How could that be I thought as I...

The language of Trump
Trump has such a great vocabulary. He's so smart. Like really, really smart. Really so smart. So true. Everybody says so. Just beautiful....

The Death of Facebook | How Social Media Ripped Apart a Generation
Facebook, once having started as an online site for college students to connect with each other online, has turned into a multi billion...

How did the internet take over our lives?
There are various interpretations as to how the internet has slowly taken over our everyday lives. From Children's youtube commercials to...

AI Trying To Design Inspirational Posters Goes Horribly And Hilariously Wrong
What happens when we the job of designing language posters gets put into the hands of an artificial intelligence machine. Well for the...

Finding Tone in Language
The following is a clippit from the BBC European news. Here I want you to think about the use of tone through language. What Tone is used...

The Film techniques toolkit
This is a great site to brush up on film techniques and terminology. To read more go to: https://www.matrix.edu.au/essential-guide-englis...

Visual Metaphors: 20 Creative Ads and What You Can Learn From Them
Visual communication has evolved rapidly in the last few decades. Some 40,000 years ago, cavemen used dirt mixed with saliva to draw...

23 Types of Advertising Appeals
At a psychological level, what is it exactly that makes you choose one brand over the competitor? What might seem like a simple choice...

Gender inequality, do children understand?
A social experiement was carried out on children from Norway. What would happen if boys and girls did the same amount of work, BUT, the...