Using Picture Books to Teach Voice in Writing
Voice. It’s in every good piece of writing, but it’s a tad elusive when it comes to defining and teaching.
Writing that connects with readers has voice. Writing that makes you feel emotion has voice. Writing that comes to life has voice. Writing that sounds unique or comes from the heart has voice. Voice is the distinct personality of a writing.
That sounds a lot like living literature, doesn’t it? Exactly. If we don’t want to read twaddle, we shouldn’t care to write it either. That’s where voice comes in.
Some people might describe voice as the mood or tone of a piece of writing. While the mood or tone are definitely impacted by the voice – actual voice is something just a little bit more. It’s how you craft the words to create the mood or tone of the writing.
See, I told you. The definition is a little elusive.
No worries, though. I think by using several picture books as mentor texts, it becomes easier for students to develop an understanding of voice and begin using it better in their own writings.

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