Get Out
What a film! What a film! What a film!
I asked my husband to suggest a film that both of us could watch. Something funny, but not too scary (because I'm a wimp when it comes to horror films). What he pulled out of the bag had me in shock, horror and thrilled all at the same time. A film with so much depth, so much meaning and so many 'easter eggs' as Jordan Peele, its comedic writer put it.
It doesn't take much to see the satire placed throughout this film, so many references to racial 'segregation' which is still taking place in America today. I won't spoil this film any further by giving the plot away. Just watch it!! It speaks for itself.
Once you have finished watching this film you are welcome to use any of these great resources I have linked below.
GET OUT interviews - Jordan Peele, Allison Williams, Daniel Kaluuya
6 Insane Secrets Hidden In "Get Out" You May Have Missed!​
In Get Out, the Eyes Have It Jordan Peele’s fantastic film relies heavily on the sense of sight to amplify its racial horror.

Get Out’s Ending & Message Explained