The Film techniques toolkit
This is a great site to brush up on film techniques and terminology. To read more go to: https://www.matrix.edu.au/essential-guide-englis...

15 Essential Camera Shots, Angles and Movements in Filmmaking
When creating any film it is important you understand camera angles and their usage. To watch go here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y...

Analysing visual texts
We live in a world that is full of moving images. Think of the number of movies you have seen this month. Think of the number of video...

Get Out
What a film! What a film! What a film! I asked my husband to suggest a film that both of us could watch. Something funny, but not too...

David Hasselhoff - True Survivor (from Kung Fury)
This video can used in many ways. Having students write out what Hasselhoff 'did' 'had done' or 'is doing' in the video. It's also a...

Not only reacting to commericals but analysing colour, tone and audience. Great idea for FOA or work on the Big 5. To watch go to:...

Mise en Scène (film & advertising)
Mise-en-scène - Composing the frame (also to be used for advertising). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyJFeY0GBQw In part 2, we'll...

The Spielberg One
One overlooked aspect of Spielberg is that he's actually a stealth master of the long take. From Duel to Tintin, for forty years, he has...

FILM: American Psycho
How, using only the first fragments of this film do you learn about this character? Which shots are being used? Why? American Psycho...

Film: The Gladiator
How, using only the first fragments of this film do you learn about this character? Which shots are being used? Why? Gladiator opening...