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Why is Colin Kaepernick's presence important in the Nike ad controversy.

To start, this is not a post telling if I feel Colin Kaepernick should have kneeled during the NFL football protests in 2016 but a moment for you, my reader to understand the background behind the Nike controversy at this moment.

Nike came out with a 1 minute ad, explaining that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Colin, having been featured in this ad, struck a cord with many Americans.

Colin known for his 'kneeling protests', caused much controversy with the athletic world. Was his choice to kneel right? This is a decision which can only be made by those who faced the racial violence taking place in America today. However, what about those who lost their lives in the war, what about those 'brave' soldiers, who, listened to the bombs exploding on the battlefield? Don't they have a right to be mad at Colin for protesting?

In order to understand why people might be protesting against this ad, I have linked Colin's protest, the national athem and the Nike ad to this blog post. After watching these videos one's opinion might change as to wether they will be burning their Nike's tonight or not.

Finally, Beto O'Rourke gives his opinion on whether the NFL Players Kneeling During the National Anthem should be done or not. Certainly worth the watch.

The Star Spangled Banner

Colin's Protest

Nike Ad featuring Colin

Beto O'Rourke on NFL Players Kneeling During the National Anthem | NowThis

Listen to this podcast talking about how Ad companies purposely involve themselves within controversial topics in order to boost their sales and represent a social issue in their society and time.

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