Visual Metaphors: 20 Creative Ads and What You Can Learn From Them
Visual communication has evolved rapidly in the last few decades.
Some 40,000 years ago, cavemen used dirt mixed with saliva to draw pictures of animals on walls and rocks.
Fast forward to the mid-1900s, and the Don Drapers of the marketing world were using imagery and visual metaphors to alter people's perception of the world and move them to specific actions--thereby, actually altering reality.
Jump to the present, and we find ourselves in the midst of the democratization of visual communication: What the printing press did for books, graphic software has done for visual communication. Users everywhere--not just marketing geniuses--can now create whatever they envision in their mind's eye: images, videos, animations, infographics...
The lines between the audience and the producer have been blurred, and now you too can create ripples across the Web with visual content. Or communicate a truly memorable message that will stick in your audience's mind for years to come.
But to do so in a way that resonates, you'll need more than just the right software--you'll need the ability to think visually.
In this post, we'll show you how to leverage the power of visual metaphors and imagery to make a lasting impression on your viewers.

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