How images create tone
As mentioned earlier in class, tone is relevant to pictures too. As you move your way through each picture, decide on what effect(s) the...

The Rose That Grew From Concrete and its allusion to T.H.U.G.
Looking at the lyrics written by Tupac Shakur, it is no wonder that Angie Thomas incorporated Tupac's ideas and words into her own novel...

The Modern Major General and its various connections
I grew up on the Pirate Movie (originally Pirates of Penzance) and love the idea of Stephen Colbert connecting the Modern Major General...

Playing with Puns
Ever wonder what it would feel like like to live in a world with only punny jokes? While trying not to get kicked out of Ikea, Liza shows...

Figurative Language Anchor Chart Activity {freebie}
I would use this anchor chart as a cooperative test prep activity, when students have already studied each type of figurative language...

Hearts melting at the 2017 snowbomb? You slushy things
Figurative Language Alert! :) They’re calling it the “snowbomb” or, if you’re reading the Express, the “Arctic snowbomb”. It’s like...

Bench the Parents
Like just about every father of good intentions gone wild, I coached a youth baseball team once for kids between the ages of 10 and 12....

In Praise of the Humble Comma
The gods, they say, give breath, and they take it away. But the same could be said -- could it not? -- of the humble comma. Add it to the...

A hug’s life: Pixar’s John Lasseter leads the way in Hollywood’s golden age of euphemism.
What a golden age of euphemism we are living through. Each night brings a snowfall of fresh allegations against powerful men; each...

Song analysis Blowin' In The Wind
Here are a few sites that can be referred to when analysing: Bob Dylan – Blowin’ In The Wind (Lyrics Review & Song Meaning)...