Social Norms
First watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8BkzvP19v4 What do social norms mean to you? By following these norms does that...

Rich vs Poor (link to Pygmalion)
What would you do if someone came up to you and asked you for money? Does the way they look change the way you treat them? Would you give...

Gender inequality, do children understand?
A social experiement was carried out on children from Norway. What would happen if boys and girls did the same amount of work, BUT, the...

Pygmalion, important ideas, quotes and themes within the play.
"The English have no respect for their language, and will not teach their children to speak it. They spell it so abominably that no man...

Pygmalion (background information)
Why was Galatea created? Originally Galatea was created by Pygmalion, a sculptor looking for the perfect wife. This video will explain a...

Discuss the Character Professor Henry Higgins in Pygmalion?
Professor Henry Higgins Henry Higgins is a professor of phonetics who plays Pygmalion to Eliza Doolittle's Galatea. He is the author of...

Pharrell Williams: ‘It rains and they shoot black people’
“Imagine if it were women’s fingertips that had access to all of the nuclear codes around the world. Women know on a physical level what...

You may have missed the most impactful detail on Time's 'Person of the Year' cover
Time finally revealed its 2017 Person (or people) of the Year, but you may have missed one very important detail on the cover. Dedicating...

Women over 50 see sexual harassment very differently than millennials
Somewhere between the main course and dessert at a dinner party, I became aware of a colossal chasm in the way my generation and my...

Important scenes in Pygmalion
"What am I fit for?" Liza and Higgins return from their party, Liza has been mistaken as a dutchess and both Pickering and Higgens...