In the age of Trump, it’s time to ditch the special relationship
When Donald Trump took the oath of office, less than 11 months ago, the word of the hour was normalisation. Let’s not treat this man like...

Teaching Students about Fake News in the Real World
Whatever Donald Trump’s legacy as president of the United States becomes he will forever be known as the protagonist for bringing two key...

Pharrell Williams: ‘It rains and they shoot black people’
“Imagine if it were women’s fingertips that had access to all of the nuclear codes around the world. Women know on a physical level what...

'He began to eat Hermione's family': bot tries to write Harry Potter book – and fails in
After being fed all seven Potter tales, a predictive keyboard has produced a tale that veers from almost genuine to gloriously bonkers....

27 Hidden Messages in Logos
You see them practically everyday, but do you really see them for all that they are? Business logos are all around you—constantly...

Cable news, its history and importance.
Cable news refers to television channels devoted to television news broadcasts, with the name deriving from the proliferation of such...

‘SNL’s’ ‘Welcome To Hell’ Skit On Sexual Harassment Is The Anthem We Need
The women of “Saturday Night Live” hit back at the widespread news of sexual harassment allegations with a “Welcome to Hell” skit to...

NFL players kneel for anthem in unprecedented defiance of Trump
The president says protesters must be fired and the Warriors can’t come to the White House. He knows as well as Colin Kaepernick that...

Bench the Parents
Like just about every father of good intentions gone wild, I coached a youth baseball team once for kids between the ages of 10 and 12....

In Praise of the Humble Comma
The gods, they say, give breath, and they take it away. But the same could be said -- could it not? -- of the humble comma. Add it to the...