The End of the Internet… Death by Article 13 Law
Here you will see a detailed video explaining article 13 (copywrite) and how it could lead to the death of the internet.

Teaching Students about Fake News in the Real World
Whatever Donald Trump’s legacy as president of the United States becomes he will forever be known as the protagonist for bringing two key...

How very 2017: the trial by media of 11-year-old Keaton Jones
Patience used to be a virtue. Now it’s gold dust. Especially when it comes to mainstream media picking up social media intrigue. I refer...

News through the eyes of cartoonists
Here is a list of 118 cartoons which have been published in the news over the past year. To see these cartoons go to:...

Cable news, its history and importance.
Cable news refers to television channels devoted to television news broadcasts, with the name deriving from the proliferation of such...

Newspaper subscription (for extra reading materials).
Here are a few sites I would like you to subscribe to or read from: The Guardian UK: (scroll down to the bottom and click on 'sign up to...

Tech Giants, Once Seen as Saviors, Are Now Viewed as Threats
SAN FRANCISCO — At the start of this decade, the Arab Spring blossomed with the help of social media. That is the sort of story the tech...

Twitter says Trump's threat to North Korea was 'newsworthy' and will not be taken down
Trump posted a tweet in response to a speech by North Korea’s Ri Yong-ho at the United Nations on Sunday, indicating that if the foreign...

Why reality is now too strange for satire
As the political comedy Veep returns to TV, Nicholas Barber investigates the problems satirists face since current affairs have taken a...

What the coding of a web page has to do with the quality of the news on it
A simple look at the components of an HTML page tells a lot about the reliability of its contents. Problem is, distribution platforms...