Why Teaching Poetry Is So Important
16 years after enjoying a high school literary education rich in poetry, I am a literature teacher who barely teaches it. So far this...

Figurative Language Anchor Chart Activity {freebie}
I would use this anchor chart as a cooperative test prep activity, when students have already studied each type of figurative language...

Teaching Students about Fake News in the Real World
Whatever Donald Trump’s legacy as president of the United States becomes he will forever be known as the protagonist for bringing two key...

Pharrell Williams: ‘It rains and they shoot black people’
“Imagine if it were women’s fingertips that had access to all of the nuclear codes around the world. Women know on a physical level what...

You may have missed the most impactful detail on Time's 'Person of the Year' cover
Time finally revealed its 2017 Person (or people) of the Year, but you may have missed one very important detail on the cover. Dedicating...

Women over 50 see sexual harassment very differently than millennials
Somewhere between the main course and dessert at a dinner party, I became aware of a colossal chasm in the way my generation and my...

Hearts melting at the 2017 snowbomb? You slushy things
Figurative Language Alert! :) They’re calling it the “snowbomb” or, if you’re reading the Express, the “Arctic snowbomb”. It’s like...

How very 2017: the trial by media of 11-year-old Keaton Jones
Patience used to be a virtue. Now it’s gold dust. Especially when it comes to mainstream media picking up social media intrigue. I refer...

'He began to eat Hermione's family': bot tries to write Harry Potter book – and fails in
After being fed all seven Potter tales, a predictive keyboard has produced a tale that veers from almost genuine to gloriously bonkers....

27 Hidden Messages in Logos
You see them practically everyday, but do you really see them for all that they are? Business logos are all around you—constantly...