David Sadaris reads 6 To 8 Black Men
David Sedaris reads the story 6 To 8 Black Men in the Dutch television show College Tour. The story of Sinterklaas and Black Pete as told...

An Emoji for Word of the Year?
The Oxford Dictionaries word of the year for 2015 is ?. It’s an emoji. The reaction to this news has varied from ? (it’s the death of...

Someone Is Rewriting Trump’s Tweets Like A Grown-Up, And He Could Learn From It
Donald Trump is responsible for a lot of controversial tweets and some fear that he might act or speak inappropriately as president as...

Why reality is now too strange for satire
As the political comedy Veep returns to TV, Nicholas Barber investigates the problems satirists face since current affairs have taken a...

Mona Haydar - Hijabi (Wrap my Hijab)
Published on Mar 27, 2017 #hijabiXmona is the debut music video by new independent artist Mona Haydar. "Hijabi" is the first single from...

McDonald's might not be the king of fast food for much longer.
It's hard to think of a name more synonymous with the word "empire" than McDonald's. Even Emperor Palpatine from "Star Wars" would be...

Using Picture Books to Teach Voice in Writing
Voice. It’s in every good piece of writing, but it’s a tad elusive when it comes to defining and teaching. Writing that connects with...

The Americans are coming for British English – but we’re like, whatever
Thanks to the likes of Netflix, the Disney channel and Nickelodeon, it is American media that is changing the UK’s culture, not Europe A...

This Is How Male Body Ideals Have Changed Over Time
The ideal physique of today’s modern man might be all about bulging biceps and rippled six-packs, but as you can see from this...

What the coding of a web page has to do with the quality of the news on it
A simple look at the components of an HTML page tells a lot about the reliability of its contents. Problem is, distribution platforms...