'The Hate U Give' and the Call to Activism
Angie Thomas’ novel, "The Hate U Give", tells the story of Starr, a young woman of color, who turns toward activism after witnessing the...

If Meghan Markle’s race doesn’t matter, why are people being asked to comment on it?
Under the glare of public scrutiny, Markle will find her “non-white” parts continually rejected or held under the microscope or...

They Scared: Texas School District Bans Best-Seller #TheHateUGive For THIS Asinine Reason
Texas School District Bans #BlackLivesMatter Inspired Novel Author Angie Thomas’ best-seller The Hate U Give is highly acclaimed, parking...

Get Out
What a film! What a film! What a film! I asked my husband to suggest a film that both of us could watch. Something funny, but not too...

I'm not racist
A rappers viewpoint of black and white descrimintation taking place in america today. To watch this film go to:...

NFL players kneel for anthem in unprecedented defiance of Trump
The president says protesters must be fired and the Warriors can’t come to the White House. He knows as well as Colin Kaepernick that...

When Meghan weds Harry, Britain’s relationship with race will change for ever
Almost two decades ago, during the heady first months of the new millennium, an unruly baroness named Kate Gavron made a shocking...

Things Not To Say To Young Black Men
From people presuming you must be into Stormzy and being questioned on the size of your, erm, member, to being on the receiving end of...

When every word doesn't belong to everyone. Discussion of the 'N' word. Ta-Nehisi Coates
Bestselling author Ta-Nehisi Coates answers an audience question about the power and ownership of words at the Family Action Network...