Eric: Institution of Educational Sciences
And yet another site to find journal articles from.

Finding online sources for your area of research
This video explains how to use google scholar in order to find relevant texts for your area of research.

How to use Google Scholar to find journal articles | Essay Tips
Conducting a comprehensive literature review is an important part of any research project. Here are Tom Nicolas's tips for how to use...

Adaptational Attractiveness: Hermione, Tyrion and a Million Others
Adaptational Attractiveness is a trope in film and television. This is when a character that is originally written in a novel as being...

The Twisted Truth Behind the “Model Minority” Stereotype
Watch as the Asian stereotype is explained. Where did it originally come from and how did it change?

Everyone Leaves Black People Out of the Gun Debate
Watch as 'College Humor' sum up the Gun Debate. An interesting look on a very important issue.

How we can start to heal the pain of racial division
"Where does it hurt?" It's a question that activist and educator Ruby Sales has traveled the US asking, looking deeply at the country's...

How much does a dollar cost?
It has happened! The new IB prescribed list is out, and it's gooooooood. We have singers, componists and rappers. My heart is full :) And...

The danger of a single story
Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her...

A conversation with white people on race
What makes one person white or black, skin colour right? Well maybe not. Listen while white people talk about what it is to be racist and...