Colin Kaepernick Is Finally Getting Paid | The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Mike Pence was met with an awkward silence from allies after mentioning President Trump, Colin Kaepernick has finally reached a deal with...
Apparently, White People Need 'Grace' and 'Empathy' From Black People
On Saturday, Presidential candidate and the guy who acts like he had one too many Red Bulls, Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), appeared in...
Marketing stratagies by Micheal Leander
Below you can find a blog created by a marketing stragist Michael Leander. A very interesting take on how advertisements are produced and...
Advertisements that would be banned today.
"On the one hand, it can be argued that advertising mirrors society, and is not presenting any stereotypes not already held. Advertising...
Different text types in relation to your IO and T.H.U.G.
Here you can find various text types. These will help you along the way to preparing for your own IO. For each text type I want you to...
Visible Thinking
Purpose and Goals Visible Thinking is a flexible and systematic research-based approach to integrating the development of students'...
Sustainable Development Goals in relation to your individual commentary
For your IO, you will be expected to link these sustainable goals to your literature and non-literary texts. But what are these goals?...
How images create tone
As mentioned earlier in class, tone is relevant to pictures too. As you move your way through each picture, decide on what effect(s) the...
APA & MLA resource site in order to cite.
This site is a great site to use in regards to your essay referencing.
JSTOR (article & content research)
And another site to research your journal articles :)