I'm not crying over a Burger King ad. You're crying over a Burger King ad.
Burger King is taking a stand against bullying in a clever new ad that reveals what matters most to people: a bullied high school junior...

Appalled Graphic Designer Shows Girls’ Life Magazine What Their Cover Should Look Like
A couple of weeks ago we ran a piece about an image that was posted on social media and went viral. It was a side-by-side shot of this...

McDonald's might not be the king of fast food for much longer.
It's hard to think of a name more synonymous with the word "empire" than McDonald's. Even Emperor Palpatine from "Star Wars" would be...

Heineken (worlds apart, or are they?)
In this video, you will see how an advertising campaign brings people with opposing views together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wYXw...

Barbie available in 'curvy, tall and petite' sizes
Barbie, the iconic plastic toy doll model, is getting three new body types this year. The US company behind the famous toy, Mattel, is...

If all men had periods, here's what the ads might look like.
Can you imagine how the world would act if it was mostly men and not women who got their periods once a month? Yeah, imagine it. If every...

Boys magazine vs. Girls magazine.
Ever wonder how marketers target boys & girls? It only takes a look at two different magazine covers to find out. Below are two...

Lego's Fantastic Instructions For Parents In 1973
If you care about inspiring children with an interest in engineering and aspirations not bound by their gender, this note may bring a...

‘Why must I expose my kids to all these sexy trains?’ How the world will react to the new Thomas the
As everyone knows, Thomas the Tank Engine is the story of several straight white men who solemnly obey the every passing whim of a white,...

10+ Pics That Reveal How The Same Products And Images Look In The West Vs. Middle-East
Bikinis and mini-skirts may be commonplace in the Western world, but the Middle-East is a slightly different story. Countries like Saudi...